
22-09-2014 - EuNetAir at NATO Advanced Research Workshop Nanotechnology to Aid Chemical and Biological Defence

We inform that COST Action TD1105 EuNetAir, represented by Action Chair (Michele Penza, ENEA, Brindisi, Italy) has been invited to participate with an Invited Talk in the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) Nanotechnology to Aid Chemical and Biological Defence organized by Prof. Terri Camesano (Worcester Polythecnic Institute, USA) and Prof. Giorgi Kvesitadze (Georgian Academy of Sciences, Georgia) and taken place in Antalya (Turkey) on 22 – 26 September 2014.
The NATO ARW has been attended by invitations only. Other participants to the EuNetAir network such as Prof. Giorgio Sberveglieri (MC IT Member) from University of Brescia (Italy) will give a Lecture on nanostructures for chemical sensing and security. Exchange of ideas with key actors is expected successful in the field of the chemical and biological sensing for safety, security and environmental protection. This is a very good opportunity to disseminate EuNetAir networking activities in a targeted audience at international top–class.
Agenda of the Conference can be found at NEWSROOM section in these webpages (if available).


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