Partners: Industrial Systems Institute / R.C. "ATHENA"

  • Expertise & Current Research Activities

  • Facilities

  • Participant

  • Active monitoring and control of sensors to enhance the reliability degree, calibration requirements, processing capabilities, communication efficiency and re–configuration mechanism.
  • System level model–based design, aiming at the achievement of interoperability, seamless integration and access of sensor data information through the web.
  • Low power electronics for optimum performance and minimum power dissipation. VLSI and RF/mixed analog chip design in collaboration with the Applied Electronics Laboratory of the University of Patras.
  • Power efficient techniques based on the utilization of middleware architectures, energy efficient protocols and handling of communications parameters.
  • Middleware architectures for composability, via handling of the heterogeneity of various interfaces and cooperating objects, and for seamless connectivity over heterogeneous networking and communication technologies.
  • Planning tools for the placement of the nodes and implementation of localization techniques. Utilization of standards, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and IEEE1451, so as to handle in a more generic and structured way the increasing number of sensor nodes and awareness of the standardization efforts driving the evolution towards the achievement of global WSN access at the networking level.

EuNetAir COST Action will be mainly supported by the Real–Time and Networked Embedded Systems department of ISI / R.C. "ATHENA". The RT&NES facilities include:
  • Laboratory equipment to support embedded hardware and firmware development (hardware schematic and PCB design entry stations, osciloscopes and digital logic analysers and various microcontroller development systems and tools)
  • Infrastructure for research and development of hybrid wired/wireless industrial networks and low power wireless sensor networks, including protocol simulators, protocol analysers and software development tools for heterogeneous WSN nodes and systems.


Lab.: Real–Time & Networked Embedded Systems
Org.: Industrial Systems Institute / R.C. "ATHENA"
Country: Greece
Tel. +30 2610 911597 - Fax +30 2610 910303

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